In the aftermath of the War of Five Kings, "Sparrows", religious folk seeking the protection of King Tommen Baratheon following a spate of atrocities committed against members of the Faith of the Seven, converge on King's Landing. When the Most Devout convene to elect the new High Septon, the sparrows hijack the selection process and force the selection of their leader, who is dubbed the "High Sparrow" by the royal fool Moon Boy. Cersei Lannister permits the High Sparrow to re-establish the Faith Militant, the military arm of the Faith, in return for the Faith forgiving the Crown's debt to it and blessing Tommen. The Faith Militant subsequently arrest Margaery Tyrell and several of her cousins when Cersei's confidante Osney Kettleblack claims to having slept with the women. The High Sparrow is suspicious of Osney's testimony (not unfairly, as Osney had been persuaded to perjure Margaery by Cersei to shore up her own power) and has him tortured until he confesses not only that Cersei arranged for his false testimony, but also that she ordered him to kill the previous High Septon. When Cersei visits the Great Sept of Baelor, the High Sparrow has her arrested and imprisoned.
The High Sparrow releases Margaery and her cousins into Randyll Tarly's custody due to the weakness of the evidence against them, but continues to hold Cersei prisoner. In order to obtain visitors, Cersei confesses to bedding the Kettleblack brothers as well as her cousin Lancel. The High Sparrow agrees to release her on condition of performing a walk of penance, naked, through the streets of King's Landing.
Ck2 How To Escape Prison
The High Sparrow arrives in King's Landing after Tywin Lannister's death to serve the poor, downtrodden, and infirm. He quickly amasses a large following, including Cersei Lannister's cousin and former lover Lancel, who are dubbed the "sparrows". He comes to the attention of Cersei after Lancel and the other sparrows force the High Septon to walk naked through the streets as punishment for soliciting prostitutes. The High Septon demands the High Sparrow's execution, but Cersei instead has the High Septon imprisoned and the High Sparrow appointed as his successor. To further gain his support, Cersei also reinstates the Faith Militant. Hoping to destabilise House Tyrell, Cersei arranges for the Faith Militant to arrest Loras Tyrell for being homosexual, with Margaery also arrested when she lies in an attempt to exonerate him. However, Lancel confesses to his affair with Cersei, as well as their role in Robert Baratheon's death. Cersei is subsequently arrested when she visits the Great Sept of Baelor. She eventually confesses to her adultery with Lancel to secure her release, and is ordered to walk naked through the streets of King's Landing as punishment.[8]
CK3 lets you eat people, so naturally players have jumped into cannibalism with gusto, devouring 1.5 million prisoners, including the Pope. A mere 122,364 prisoners have escaped the dungeon and the dinner table.
event 24504 = Gives wife the Pregnant trait and the Stressed trait, makes her pregnant after a few monthsevent 24505 = Imprison random courtier (useful for getting +10 relationship bonus for releasing a prisoner)
event 250 = capture yourself, do not do with out saving beforehand, as it's impossible to release yourself from prison.(Alternatively you can use the "play" command and imprison your character from earlier and release yourself then)
Hea-woo* survived the deplorable living conditions and torture in a re-education camp, the second level of prisons. Once arrested, people are often sent to detention centres first for interrogation. After that, prisoners are then sent to either a re-education camp or a political labour camp which no one comes back from. googletag.cmd.push(function() { if($(document).width()
"Every day was like torture," says Hea-woo. "People were dying and their corpses were burnt. The guards scattered the ashes over the road. We walked that road every day and each time I thought: One day, the other prisoners will walk over me."
For the uninitiated, an escape room is an immersive, 60-minute, real-life adventure game. Filled with brain-stumping puzzles, hidden clues and scary scenes. They can be prison cells, nuclear power plants, theatres, dig sites, pirate ships or in the case of this close-to-home spooky space... Witch themed!
This escape room is located in one of the rooms over at the Best Western Plus right here in town. Made by the owner and her son this sinister scenario brings you close to Hansel and Gretel and the wicked witch holding them hostage!
Robert is seriously gored by a boar during the hunt and names Joffrey as his successor right before he dies. Ned does not reveal the truth to Robert, but instead contacts Robert's younger brother and true heir, Stannis Baratheon, to inform him. Meanwhile, Cersei and Joffrey seize the throne. Securing help from Janos Slynt and Littlefinger, Ned challenges Cersei and orders her and her children arrested, but Slynt and Littlefinger have already been bribed by the Lannisters and they turn on Ned, resulting in his men being massacred and Ned imprisoned.[1]
While in the dungeons, Ned is visited by Varys, who informs him that his son, Robb Stark, has called all of House Stark's banners to march on King's Landing and free him, and though Arya has escaped, Sansa is still the Lannisters' hostage. However, Varys also claims that Cersei has promised that if Ned confesses to his "treason" and orders Robb to stand down, he will be spared and sent to the Night's Watch; Ned initially refuses to sully his honor by making such false confession, but reluctantly changes his mind after Varys points out that Sansa's life is at stake.[2][3]
It soon becomes obvious to Henry who Pious truly is, and he confronts him. If he does not arrest or murder him straight away, Pious attempts to poison Henry's food. However, he survives, and a repentant Pious will offer to collaborate. Henry can either agree to the deception, kill one of the other novices and pretend it was Pious, or just kill Pious. If he lives, Pious escapes from the Sasau region, promising to never return.
If you've talked to Sir Radzig, you can arrest Pious after helping him get out of the Monastery. He will initiate a fist fight with you, and when you win, you will take him to the Bailiff in Rattay. However, you won't be able to get Pious' dice this way. Fortunately, there is a little trick you can do to arrest Pious, AND still get the dice from him without killing him. After he is taken to the Rattay jail, lockpick his jail cell door. If there's a guard sitting on the bench directly behind you, continue lockpicking the door, as he does not care if you break into Pious' jail cell. After you break in, close the door behind you and DO NOT silently knock him out. This will end up killing him for some reason. Instead, punch him once or twice. He will then get knocked out and you will be able to loot his body for both the dice and his groschen. The guard will rush into the room, where you can then pass a speech check or bribe him in order to stay a free man. Pious will then regain consciousness in 30 minutes, and you will have successfully gotten Pious' dice without killing him nor letting him escape a free man. 2ff7e9595c