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Computational Fluid Mechanics And Heat Transfer, Third Edition (Series In Computational And Physical

A mathematical model of the physical case and a numerical method are used in a CFD software tool to analyze the fluid flow. For instance, the Navier-Stokes (N-S) equations are specified as the mathematical model of the physical case. This describes changes in all those physical properties for both fluid flow and heat transfer. A mathematical model varies in accordance with the content of the problem such as heat transfer, mass transfer, phase change, chemical reaction, etc. Moreover, the reliability of a CFD analysis highly depends on the whole structure of the process. The verification of the mathematical model is extremely important to create an accurate case for solving the problem. Besides, the determination of proper numerical methods is the key to generate a reliable solution. The CFD analysis is a key element in generating a sustainable product development process, as the number of physical prototypes can be reduced drastically.

Computational Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer, Third Edition (Series in Computational and Physical

  • CRC Press


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The heat transfer process of vacuum glass is very complicated. In particular, the heat transfer process of functional vacuum glass, which includes the coupling of heat conduction, convection, and radiation, does not have an exact mathematical solution. The most important parameter representing the thermal properties of vacuum glass, the heat transfer coefficient, is difficult to measure online because it increases over time, thereby decreasing the thermal-insulation performance. Thus, measuring it quickly and accurately for a vacuum glass in use is difficult. This study was conducted to develop an efficient method to simulate heat transfer through vacuum glass. To this end, based on advanced numerical-simulation technology, a computational fluid dynamics software was used to analyse the heat transfer process, and the simulation results applied to guide and analyse the non-steady-state test method. It was found that when a circular heating plate is used to heat the side of the vacuum glass, the ratio of the radius of the heating plate to the thickness of the vacuum glass should exceed three. This approach guarantees that the centre of the heating plate undergoes one-dimensional heat transfer, and the temperature measurement at the centre of the non-heated surface is of practical significance.

CFD can be seen as a group of computational methodologies (discussed below) used to solve equations governing fluid flow. In the application of CFD, a critical step is to decide which set of physical assumptions and related equations need to be used for the problem at hand.[40] To illustrate this step, the following summarizes the physical assumptions/simplifications taken in equations of a flow that is single-phase (see multiphase flow and two-phase flow), single-species (i.e., it consists of one chemical species), non-reacting, and (unless said otherwise) compressible. Thermal radiation is neglected, and body forces due to gravity are considered (unless said otherwise). In addition, for this type of flow, the next discussion highlights the hierarchy of flow equations solved with CFD. Note that some of the following equations could be derived in more than one way.

  • Provides unified coverage of computational heat transfer and fluid dynamics.

  • Covers basic concepts and then applies computational methods for problem analysis and solution.

  • Contains new chapters on mesh generation and computer modeling of turbulent flow.

  • Includes ANSYS, STAR CCM+, and COMSOL CFD code and tutorials in the appendix.

  • Includes a Solutions Manual for instructor use.

The Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering offers curricula in aerospace engineering and mechanical engineering at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. The scope of the departmental research and teaching program is broad, encompassing dynamics, fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, manufacturing and design, nanoelectromechanical and microelectromechanical systems, structural and solid mechanics, and systems and control. The applications of mechanical and aerospace engineering are quite diverse, including aircraft, spacecraft, automobiles, energy and propulsion systems, robotics, machinery, manufacturing and materials processing, microelectronics, biological systems, and more.

The mechanical engineering program is designed to provide basic knowledge in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, solid mechanics, mechanical design, dynamics, control, mechanical systems, manufacturing, and materials. The program includes fundamental subjects important to all mechanical engineers.

The graduate program in fluid mechanics includes experimental, numerical, and theoretical studies related to a range of topics in fluid mechanics, such as turbulent flows, hypersonic flows, microscale and nanoscale flow phenomena, aeroacoustics, bio fluid mechanics, chemically reactive flows, chemical reaction kinetics, numerical methods for computational fluid dynamics (CFD), and experimental methods. The educational program for graduate students provides a strong foundational background in classical incompressible and compressible flows, while providing elective breadth courses in advanced specialty topics such as computational fluid dynamics, microfluidics, bio fluid mechanics, hypersonics, reactive flow, fluid stability, turbulence, and experimental methods.

The solid mechanics program features theoretical, numerical, and experimental studies, including fracture mechanics and damage tolerance, micromechanics with emphasis on technical applications, wave propagation and nondestructive evaluation, mechanics of composite materials, mechanics of thin films and interfaces, analysis of coupled electro-magneto-thermomechanical material systems, and ferroelectric materials. The structural mechanics program includes structural dynamics with applications to aircraft and spacecraft, fixed-wing and rotary-wing aeroelasticity, fluid structure interaction, computational transonic aeroelasticity, biomechanics with applications ranging from whole organs to molecular and cellular structures, structural optimization, finite element methods and related computational techniques, structural mechanics of composite material components, structural health monitoring, and analysis of adaptive structures.

The Energy and Propulsion Research Laboratory involves the application of modem diagnostic methods and computational tools to the development of improved combustion, propulsion, and fluid flow systems. Research includes aspects of fluid mechanics, chemistry, optics, and numerical methods, as well as thermodynamics and heat transfer.

The Fusion Science and Technology Center includes experimental facilities for conducting research in fusion science and engineering, and multiple scientific disciplines in thermofluids, thermomechanics, heat/mass transfer, and materials interactions. The center includes experimental facilities for liquid metal magnetohydrodynamic fluid flow, thick and thin liquid metal systems exposed to intense particle and heat flux loads, and metallic and ceramic material thermomechanics. 2ff7e9595c

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