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How to Create a Web-Based Application Using C# and ASP.NET Core

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To create a web-based application, you need the following:

  • Visual Studio 2022 or later. You can download it for free from .

  • The ASP.NET and web development workload. You can install it from the Visual Studio Installer.

  • A basic knowledge of C#, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Create a project

First, you need to create an ASP.NET Core web app project in Visual Studio. This project template comes with all the files and folders you need to build a fully functional website. Here are the steps to create a project:

  • On the start window, select Create a new project.

  • In the Create a new project window, select C# from the Language list. Next, select Windows from the Platform list, and Web from the Project types list. After you apply the language, platform, and project type filters, select the ASP.NET Core Web App template, and then select Next.

  • In the Configure your new project window, enter MyCoreApp in the Project name field. Then, select Next.

  • In the Additional information window, verify that .NET 6.0 appears in the Target Framework field. From this window, you can also enable Docker support and add authentication support. Leave the Enable Docker box unchecked, and select None for Authentication Type. Next, select Create.

  • Visual Studio will open up your new project.

Tour your solution

This solution follows the Razor Page design pattern. It's different than the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern in that it's streamlined to include the model and controller code within the Razor Page itself. Here are some of the files and folders in your solution:

  • /Pages: This folder contains Razor Pages files that define the user interface of your web app. Each Razor Page consists of two files: a .cshtml file that contains HTML markup and Razor syntax for dynamic content; and a .cshtml.cs file that contains C# code for handling user interactions.

  • /wwwroot: This folder contains static files that are served directly by the web server, such as images, stylesheets, scripts, etc.

  • /appsettings.json: This file contains configuration settings for your web app, such as connection strings, logging options, etc.

  • : This file contains the code that configures the services and middleware for your web app.

  • /Program.cs: This file contains the entry point for your web app.

Run, debug, and make changes

Now that you have created your project, you can run it and see how it works. Here are the steps to run your web app:

  • Select Debug from the menu bar, then select Start Debugging. Alternatively, you can press F5 on your keyboard.

  • Visual Studio will launch your web app in your default browser. You should see a page that says Welcome to MyCoreApp.

  • You can also use the browser's address bar to navigate to different pages in your web app. For example, you can enter to go to the Privacy page.

  • To stop debugging, select Debug from the menu bar, then select Stop Debugging. Alternatively, you can press Shift+F5 on your keyboard.

You can also make changes to your web app and see the results immediately. For example, you can change the title of your Home page by following these steps:

  • In Visual Studio, open the file /Pages/Index.cshtml.

  • In the @page directive at the top of the file, change the value of Title from "Home page" to "My Web App".

  • Save the file by pressing Ctrl+S.

  • In your browser, refresh the Home page. You should see the new title in the browser tab.

Change your Home page

The default Home page of your web app is very simple and does not provide much information about your project. You can customize it to make it more attractive and informative. For example, you can add some text, images, and a table to your Home page by following these steps:

  • In Visual Studio, open the file /Pages/Index.cshtml.

  • Delete all the existing code in the file.

  • Type or paste the following code in the file:

<h1>Welcome to My Web App</h1> <p>This is a web-based application that I created using C# and ASP.NET Core in Visual Studio.</p> <p>A web-based application is a software program that runs on a web server and can be accessed through a web browser. Web-based applications have many advantages, such as compatibility, scalability, security, and easy maintenance.</p> <p>Here are some of the features of my web app:</p> <ul> <li>It uses Razor Pages to define the user interface and handle user interactions.</li> <li>It uses Bootstrap to make the pages responsive and stylish.</li> <li>It uses Entity Framework Core to access data from a database.</li> <li>It uses ASP.NET Core Identity to implement authentication and authorization.</li> </ul> <p>Here is an example of a table that shows some data from my database:</p> <table > <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">ID</th> <th scope="col">Name</th> <th scope="col">Email</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td scope="row">1</td> <td>Alice</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td scope="row">2</td> <td>Bob</td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> &


In this article, you learned how to create a web-based application using C# and ASP.NET Core in Visual Studio. You created a project, toured your solution, ran, debugged, and made changes to your web app, and changed your Home page. You also learned some of the advantages and features of web-based applications.

If you want to learn more about web-based applications, you can check out the following resources:


Here are some frequently asked questions about web-based applications:

What are the benefits of web-based applications?

Web-based applications have many benefits, such as:

  • They are compatible with any device and platform that has a web browser.

  • They are scalable and can handle a large number of users and requests.

  • They are secure and can use encryption and authentication to protect data and users.

  • They are easy to maintain and update without requiring installation or downloads.

What are the challenges of web-based applications?

Web-based applications also have some challenges, such as:

  • They depend on the availability and performance of the internet connection.

  • They may have compatibility issues with different browsers and versions.

  • They may have security risks from hackers, viruses, and malware.

  • They may have legal and ethical issues regarding data privacy and ownership.

What are the technologies used for web-based applications?

Web-based applications use a variety of technologies, such as:

  • Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C#, Java, Python, PHP, etc.

  • Frameworks: ASP.NET Core, Angular, React, Vue, Django, Laravel, etc.

  • Databases: SQL Server, MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase, etc.

  • Servers: IIS, Apache, Nginx, etc.

  • Cloud services: Azure, AWS, Google Cloud, etc.

How do I test and debug my web-based application?

You can test and debug your web-based application using various tools and methods, such as:

  • The browser's developer tools that allow you to inspect the elements, styles, scripts, network requests, console logs, etc. of your web app.

  • The Visual Studio debugger that allows you to set breakpoints, watch variables, evaluate expressions, etc. in your code.

  • The unit testing tools that allow you to write and run automated tests for your code logic and functionality.

  • The integration testing tools that allow you to test how your web app interacts with other components and services.

How do I deploy my web-based application?

You can deploy your web-based application using various methods and platforms, such as:

  • The Visual Studio publish tool that allows you to publish your web app to a local folder or a remote server.

  • The Azure App Service that allows you to host your web app in the cloud and manage it from the Azure portal.

  • The GitHub Pages that allows you to host your static web app for free on GitHub.

  • The Docker containers that allow you to package your web app and its dependencies into a portable and isolated unit.



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