Add ReportNG as a Maven dependency org.testng reportng 1.2.2 test Now ReportNG reports will be generated for each test run. ReportNG wires-in the below mentioned mandatory listeners via Service Providers Interface, so no additional work needs to be done to start consuming them. org.uncommons.reportng.HTMLReporter
ReportNG 0.9.0 – HTML and XML Reports for TestNG
Apart from the basic level (or summary) reports, it also provides an option to generate detailed reports. The file index.html that is generated without any manual intervention carries the entire report, along with information on errors, tests executed, the status of test scenarios, and more.
pytest-html is a widely used plugin for PyTest that generates an HTML report for test results. As it is a plugin, it is easy to install and use along with the PyTest framework. Selenium test result reports generated using pytest-html can be in the HTML or XML format.
Developers and automation testers prefer the pytest-html plugin with PyTest to generate test automation reports with minimal complications. Though the information provided in the report is basic, it makes the task of decoding the output easier. It is one of the best reporting tools for Selenium with PyTest, as it is easy to get started with PyTest report generation using pytest-html. For advanced reporting, you should go with Allure for PyTest.